#CapitolKaren Rep. Darlene Taylor

Who is Rep. Darlene Taylor?

Our state is changing. 100% of Georgia’s growth can be attributed to people of color. Not only did Rep. Taylor (HD-173) and her GOP friends violate House rules to force three democratic county commissioners out of their districts; But she called the cops on her black colleague when he called them out on it.

We need representatives who are compassionate about their constituents, understands real world issues, follows rules, and takes the true will of the people into account. It’s time to hold our legislators accountable to the oath they took.

Rep. Darlene Taylor's bad history with Bad Bills

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Voted against expanding Medicaid, leaving almost 650,000 people without coverage
Voted to allow religious leaders to refuse to perform same-sex marriages and to allow tax-funded groups to legally discriminate and deny services to LGBTQ Georgians.
Voted to give yacht owners a tax break.
Voted for an 8.9% sales tax on Uber and Lyft rides.
Sponsored and voted for the strictest abortion bans in the country which banned abortions before most women think to buy a pregnancy test.
Voted to cut $950 million from Georgia public schools.

Including a $25 million cut in funding for school counselors and career training, special-needs student grants, and state contributions to the teacher’s pension fund.

Voted to allow prosecutors to charge children as adults.
Supported cutting $242 million in funding from the University System of Georgia.

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